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Exercise 1 - Ingress with SNAT

Ingress Traffic flow from Jumpbox to WorkloadA with SNAT enabled on the policy

Success Requirement

  1. SSH to Workload A using ssh -i sshkey-aplab-ssh-priv.pem ubuntu@ whatever the IP/Port you are using
  2. ss -nat on Workload A and confirm the source is the FortiGate

Ingress with SNAT


Either use port translation or change the FortiGate SSH listening listening address on Port1


Multiple failed login attempts to the FortiGate SSH CLI will result in a 5+ minute lockout. Any failed login should be carefully considered before attempting again.


FortiGate offers powerful diagnostic tools. Try some of the following when connecting
diag sniffer packet any ‘tcp and port 22’ 4 0 1
diag sniffer packet any ‘tcp and port 2222’ 4 0 1 - if using a tcp port translation
diag sniffer packet any ‘host <ip>’ 4 0 1 - if you want to focus on a specific IP